Sunday, April 27, 2014

Soon It Will Begin!

Time is ticking down till May 3rd which is the first Saturday and the first hike of my summer journey! The first hike I will be hiking is French Creek!! It is 7.2km with a 853m height gain to the glacier, so it is a bit long but not to high. I am really excited for this one because it has three waterfalls spread out through the trail, the glacier, and surrounded by 6 different mountains! If anyone wants to come with me on this hike, I hope to be at the trail head which is the 'famous' Burstall pass around 10am. If people are looking to carpool then contact me directly, but just a warning we might not have room depending how much of my family will be coming. I will take many photos for those who what to experience it but are not available to come.
Here is the map! Wish me luck!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Lets Get Down to the Nitty Gritty

The nitty gritty is that I am terrified to start this adventure because I haven't been able to finish any type of physical goal because I am just not a physical person. As the days pass by, and the time draws closer to the first hike I am more and more nervous and even of the thought of just quitting before I start and pretend I never had this idea. I pushed that thought down but I am still afraid I can't do this! How am I supposed to get up every Saturday to do hike that is going to be harder than the last one I did? It will always get tougher and longer each week, and I honestly don't know how I am going to do this. I am not in shape or fit at all. Yeah I can lift some heavy things, but I have zero endurance! I think I'm crazy for even thinking of this idea!! I had a conversation with a lady the other day and told her about my plan, and she said to me to just remember to go at my own pace. So that is what I just have to remember. I can do this. A chubby, clumsy, and weak woman can do anything if she goes at her own pace, even if it takes twice as long. I want to have the commitment to be able to go on the hike I said I would do even if it was raining outside. I want to finish every hike. I want to reach the top of every mountain. I want to say that I may be physically weak but I am mentally strong because I climbed those mountains. I can do this. I can do this.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Plan

This summer I have made a goal to experience the mountains to the fullest! So I will do a hike every weekend from May-August and at the end of August I will do the big hike of Crypt Lake in Waterton.

In preparation for this wonderful hike I will climb and hike many trails. Some will be easy and short, others will be long and hard, but I am up for the challenge. Some of the hikes I have chosen to do are Grassi Lakes, Indefatigable, The Fortress, Wasootch Ridge, Heart Mountain, Old Goat Glacier, and more! I am excited to get started on the first Saturday in May hiking French Creek. It is an a nice hike with 3 waterfalls and at the end the French Glacier will be the rewarding view. It will be a challenge being my first hike and not being much in shape at all, but I will conquer.